Oscar Wilde
Articles by Oscar Wilde
The Happy Prince
A statue of a prince who lived a very careless life, interested only in luxury and pleasure, becomes aware of the sufferings of the poor from the top of his pillar and decides he wants to help. Luckily, he finds a bird to carry out his plans. (3,050 words)
The Sphinx without a Secret
A handsome young man falls in love with a mysterious lady who seems to hide some great secret. When she will not tell him what it is, he leaves her. Some time later he finds out that the secret was not so mysterious after all but it is too late. (1,785 words)
The Model Millionaire
Oscar Wilde wrote many short stories and this one, about an innocent young man, an artist and a beggar who is not quite what he seems, is both funny and up-lifting. (1,685 words)
The Nightingale and the Rose
Oscar Wilde was as famous for his sense of humour as he was for his plays and novel. In this short story, he builds a beautiful romance where a nightingale is prepared to give her life for a student’s love for a beautiful girl. Sadly, things do not end as we might hope. (1,840 words)