Intermediate stories and articles

The Stolen Letter

By Edgar Allan Poe

Edgar Allan Poe is best known for his horror stories but he also wrote detective and police stories. This one is about how a politician’s attempt to force a member of the royal family to do what he wants is stopped by a clever but very simple idea (3,155 words)

A Lost Opportunity

By Leo Tolstoy

This short story by Tolstoy concerns good relations with neighbours is the key to a happy and peaceful home life. When that is lost, not only friendship suffers but also the farms on which they live. (4,930 words)

The Body Snatcher

By Robert Louis Stevenson

This Stevenson was the creator of the legendary Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, the dual personality which has become a part of the English language. This horror story is about a man who steal corpses from their graves or, worse, murders people to sell their bodies to scientists for research (2,500 words)

Who Was Frank Sinatra?

By Read Listen Learn

Most people learning or improving their English are in their teenage years or twenties. A lot of you have never heard of Frank Sinatra. But there are also students learning English because of a change in job, to make more of their holiday in an English-speaking country or just as a hobby. These people might be older. For them, Frank Sinatra was the star of many Hollywood films, the most famous singer of his generation and a sex symbol. Read about his surprising life, his suspected links with the Mafia and his fame (550 words).

The Kiss

By Kate Chopin

The heroine of this story has decided that money is more important in a husband than love and a very rich man she knows is about to ask to marry her. Then something goes very wrong. But, in the end, she believes she has both riches and affection … or does she? (970 words)

Lawrence of Arabia

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T. E. Lawrence went to the best schools and was a promising academic at a great English university. He earned his place in history as a British soldier who led the Arabs to fight against the Ottoman Turks in the First World War. A man who was never comfortable with the British upper class, Lawrence found a home among the Bedouin but he lost it and his honour amongst the Arabs because he could not keep his promise. (1,100 words)

Admiral Lord Nelson - the Man who Stopped Napoleon

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There is a statue of Nelson in the heart of London. It stands high above the buildings that surround it. It was built to show a nation’s love of one of its greatest military men – a sailor who beat Napoleon Bonaparte and stopped the French advance across Europe. But Nelson was not only a hero. He had a romance which was almost as famous as his battles (1,310 words).

What is a Tsunami?

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On 26 December, 2004, a tsunami hit the coastlines of countries as far away from each other as Japan, Thailand, Sri Lanka and India. More than a quarter of a million people died. Some were on holiday for the Christmas break but most lived in these areas. Their homes were destroyed; there were no roads or railways. But how did this terrible thing happen? (440 words).

Aileen Wuornos

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Aileen Wournos was beaten and sexually abused as a child. She left home as early as she could and became a prostitute but later developed a warm relationship with another woman. Aileen murdered her male customers to get their money to buy her girlfriend presents but when she was caught, her lover sold her story to the newspapers (970 words).

Edgar Allan Poe - Liar, Cheat and Genius

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Poe lived a disappointing life. He never made any money from his stories or poems and, when he got the chance to make good, he was always too drunk to take it. It is hard to know the truth about his life because he also lied all the time. However, his horror stories are considered masterpieces of American literature. This is the story of his extraordinary life and death. (1,600 words)


By Adolphe Chenevière

A young soldier tells his friend a story about the horrors of war in North Africa. He remembers attacking a village and killing men and women, only to find a little girl who is left an orphan. He takes her with him and grows to love her but their friendship ends in tragedy. (1,470 words)

A Piece of Bread

By François Coppée

In this French story about the war with Germany in 1870, a wealthy, young Frenchman joins the Army to defend his country. Conditions are terrible and he misses his old, luxurious life. One day, he throws a piece of bread in the dirt but it is quickly picked up by another soldier. His story and their friendship change his life. (1,820 words)

A Slander

By Anton Chekhov

In this clever little tale, tells describes a misunderstanding at a wedding party, where a guest believes the bride's father has kissed his servant. The father tries to prevent the rumour from spreading but will he succeed? (1,250 words)


By Anton Chekhov

This story is about a girl working as a servant. She is too young to work so hard and she is very tired, but she has to look after the baby when she should be playing with her friends or sitting with her family. Tragedy is waiting just around the corner. (1,830 words)

The Necklace

By Guy de Maupassant

‘The Necklace’ is about a beautiful girl who was born poor wants the best things in life. When she and her husband are invited to a grand party she’s unhappy because she’ll have nothing special to wear so her husband buys her a dress and she borrows a diamond necklace from a friend. But that is when her problems start. (2,265 words)


By Katherine Mansfield

This powerful story is about a worried mother who is unhappy and ashamed in front of a guest at her home because she can't control her young son. Her guest tells her that his father should hit him so, desperate, she asks him to do so. Sadness follows. (1,880 words)

John Mortonson's Funeral

By Ambrose Bierce

In this very short story, Bierce describes the funeral of a respected and important public figure. But as his friends stand around the coffin, it starts to move and something unexpected happens. (425 words)

The Bottle Imp

By Robert Louis Stevenson

A classic horror story about a magical force that can give the owner of the bottle it lives in three wishes. At first, the hero welcomes the bottle imp because it can give him the money he needs to make a start in life, to attract a wonderful girl and live a comfortable life. But soon things start to go very wrong. (7,100 words)

Madam Crowl's Ghost

By Sheridan le Fanu

This popular ghost story tells the tale of a very old lady and the young girl who is paid to sit and watch her, get her food and drink and make sure she is happy. But the old lady is starting to lose her mind and, in her madness, she tells a terrible secret from her past. (4,220 words)

The Black Cat

By Edgar Allan Poe

The strange story of a man’s relationship with his favourite pet black cat, an animal that follows him everywhere, even in the streets. But he starts to change and the bond between the cat and the man breaks down as his growing madness develop to its terrible conclusion. (1,650 words)

The Beetle-Hunter

By Arthur Conan Doyle

A young doctor, whose true love is the scientific study of beetles, answers an advertisement in the paper asking for a strong, brave young doctor interested in beetles for temporary work. It seems a strange job but he cannot afford to refuse the money. This is one of many Conan Doyle stories that does not include Sherlock Holmes. (3,655 words)


By Henry van Dyke

Henry van Dyke tells the story of a man who spends his holidays moose hunting. On his way home, he tells a train driver how he hunted a magnificent moose for days but just missed shooting it. In some ways, he is glad the moose got away but the story has surprise for everyone in the end. (2,580 words)

Crime in Wartime Britain

By Read Listen Learn

Crime is just as real in wartime as it is in peace. This article looks at how crime changed during the Second World War in Britain and how some crimes disappeared while others became more common. (700 words)

The Tulip Speculation Bubble

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A few hundred years ago, a diplomat in Istanbul fell in love with a flower not found in western Europe. He sent some tulip bulbs home so that his friends could grow them in their gardens. Some time later tulips became a craze in Holland and people even bought and sold the bulbs while they were still in the ground as prices rose higher and higher. Then, suddenly, it all stopped and many people lost everything. (890 words)

Bruno Sammartino - Wrestling Legend

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Bruno Sammartino was born just before the Second World War in a mountain village in Italy. As a child he was weak because his mother could not get enough food for him to eat but he went on to become the world champion of wrestling. He is one of the most famous and best loved wrestlers of all time. (870 words)

A History of Disease

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Since time began, disease has worried and killed huge numbers of people. The Black Death killed nearly half the population of Europe six hundred years ago and malaria takes the lives of 300 million every year. People used to think that disease was God’s punishment for human wrongdoing but now we think about viruses and bacteria. (910 words)

Antwerp Road

By Henry van Dyke

In this very short story, van Dyke analyses the terrible misery of war. He describes a road from the Belgian city of Antwerp, crowded with people trying to escape the German invasion but, at the same time, there are thousands returning to their broken homes because they are tired of being strangers away from everything they know (420 words).

Jean Monette

By Eugène François Vidocq

This story is based on a real case, it's about a young man who falls madly in love with the innocent daughter of a wealthy man who never likes to spend a penny. It soon becomes clear though, that the young is not what he seems to be. (1,680 words)

The Deadly History of Anaesthesia

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It was not many years ago that a doctor had to decide between operating to save a person’s life but perhaps killing him from the pain or leaving him to die. For this reason, the most important part of the operation was speed. Anaesthesia was, therefore, necessary not just to save a patient’s life but also to allow for longer and more difficult operations. But the development of this science reads like a horror story (1,750 words).

The Rose - Symbol of Love

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The rose is the symbol of love in many western countries and it grows all over the world. In the ancient world, roses were so important that Rome suffered food shortages because too much land was used to grow the flowers. But the red rose has only been with us for just over 100 years. This is the history of this fascinating flower (925 words).

Lucky Lucan - the Lord Who Committed Murder

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Lord Lucan went to the best schools and universities in England, got a well-paid job as a banker, was married and had much-loved children. But he became addicted to gambling and lost interest in everything except cards and drink. One night, he went home and tried to kill his wife. He was never seen again. People reported seeing him in Africa and many other places but he had simply disappeared. (956 words)

The Head Teacher

By Anton Chekhov

In this wonderful story, the great Russian dramatist takes us into the world of the head teacher of a charity school who is very ill. He is successful and dedicated to his students and his school but believes that his enemies are trying to undermine their achievements. He gives a speech at the school's annual dinner where he appears not to know what the future holds for him. (2,230 words)

The Strange Biology of Meat-Eating Plants

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Most people know that the Venus Fly Trap catches and eats insects in its powerful ‘jaws’. But why did this plant develop? What were its origins? And where can we find it? If it grew big enough, could it eat human beings? (765 words).

The Kray Twins - London Gangsters

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In the 1960s, the Kray Twins were as famous in London as the Mafia was in the US. They used the same methods too: murder, violence and fear. They knew rich and famous people and appeared in fashionable magazines. In the end, the police put them in prison: one was mad and gay; the other hard and straight. Read their incredible story (1,090 words).

The Deadly Profession of Orchid Hunting

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When we think of orchids, we perhaps imagine five-star hotels or the wonderful country, Thailand. Because these exotic plants make us think of beautiful places. But orchids have a long and dangerous history. Read about the adventurers who travelled the world to find new specimens of this unique plant and who risked their lives to do so (1,000 words).

Dalyrimple Goes Wrong

By F Scott Fitzgerald

In the story, F. Scott Fitzgerald, the famous author of 'The Great Gatsby', tells us about a soldier who returns to the U.S. after The First World War. He is given a hero’s welcome, but unfortunately, he cannot get well-paid work and soon turns to crime (3,230 words)

The Ablest Man in the World

By Edward Page Mitchell

This early science fiction story is about a kind of computer although it was written before they were invented. An American becomes involved in helping a Russian diplomat, when he is mistaken for a doctor. While he is giving him some medicine, he notices that his head is very unusual and sets out to learn his secret (2,510 words).

The Nightingale and the Rose

By Oscar Wilde

Oscar Wilde was as famous for his sense of humour as he was for his plays and novel. In this short story, he builds a beautiful romance where a nightingale is prepared to give her life for a student’s love for a beautiful girl. Sadly, things do not end as we might hope. (1,840 words)

Jack the Ripper

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Jack the Ripper killed many sex workers on the streets of nineteenth century London, girls who would not be noticed if they went missing. The police had no suspects and nobody was ever charged with the crimes. This made some people think that the killer was someone with power and the police were afraid to act. (500 words)

Two Friends

By Guy de Maupassant

Guy de Maupassant was a young man when Prussia (a part of what soon became Germany) attacked and defeated France in a few weeks. This story is one of many he wrote about that war and tells the story of two old fishing friends, who find themselves in deep trouble only because they decided to forget the war and enjoy their hobby for a few hours. (1,735 words)

Sherlock Holmes - The Copper Beeches

By Arthur Conan Doyle

In this story, Sherlock Holmes tries to understand why a man pays a music teacher double the usual salary to teach a small girl but also wear someone else’s clothes and cut her hair short. Can it be that her employer’s wife is so strange that she can only be with someone dressed like this or is there a deeper mystery that only the legendary detective can solve? (4,275 words)

Banjo Paterson - Bard of the Australian Bush

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Andrew Barton Paterson was a lawyer but his true love was the Australian countryside, called 'the outback'. His stories are usually about farmers, their animals and the hard life of living far from neighbours and friends. He is perhaps Australia's best-known writer. This is the story of his life. (810 words)

Bamboo - Myths, Culture and Uses

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There are myths in the Philippines and Vietnam about humanity coming from a part of the bamboo plant. In China, the bamboo’s strength and beauty are used to show the idea of a gentleman. Bamboo has practical uses too: for food, for building and more. And then there's the plague of rats that often accompanies its flowering! (1,040 words).

The Teacher's Mistake

By Henry Lawson

Henry Lawson is regarded as one of Australia's greatest writers. In this tragic and powerful story, a teacher's misjudgement leads to events that end in the accidental death of a child. (810 words)


By Guy de Maupassant

An interesting story for every language student and teacher. A Frenchman who meets and falls in love with an English girl and decides to marry her. Some time later he meets an old friend on a boat full of English tourists and starts complaining about them and his wife. His friend doesn't understand but, as he explains, it’s all because of language! (960 words)

Small Fry

By Anton Chekhov

Chekhov looks at the poverty and ambition of a clerk in this short story. He spends an evening in a depressing office when he should be out in the streets enjoying himself. To pass the time, he writes a letter asking for a slightly better job, complimenting a powerful man he hates and wonders how he can get a better man’s job. At the same time, he looks at an insect running around on his writing table … (1,090 words)

The Jug of Clay

By Jean Aicard

This story is about a man driven by an artist's desire perfection. He loves watching the girls as they collect strawberries and stop to drink at his farm. He notices the ever-changing colours of the clay where the plants grow and decides to make a jug as beautiful as the girls he sees and the one he has lost. (1,210 words).

Thomas Edison – Inventor and Businessman

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Thomas Edison left school as a child and became one of the richest and most successful businessmen in America. He was interested in everything and moved quickly from one idea to another. He left us with the electric light bulb, the telegraph, the first machine that could play music, moving films and many other inventions that have become part of our lives. (1,015 words)

General Bill Slim

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Bill Slim fought bravely in the First World War and became an officer. When the Japanese entered the Second World War, he led the fight against them in South Asia and destroyed their armies before they could reach India. He was an excellent organiser and military tactician and he reinvented jungle warfare. (1,090 words)

Simon Bolivar - the Liberator

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Simon Bolivar was a freedom fighter of enormous importance. He fought the Spanish and led six modern countries - Venezuela, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Panama - to independence. Bolivia in fact, is named after him. (930 words)

Robert Louis Stevenson - his life and struggles with illness

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When he was young, Stevenson was a disappointment to his family. He did not follow his grandfather and father into engineering, never worked as a doctor after studying medicine and did not share their Christian beliefs. However, during his short life he was, and is, a great success as a writer and was happy in love. (1,180 words)

Trofim Lysenko - Stalin's Scientist

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Trofim Lysenko cared more about his career and fame than he cared for science or for his people. He caused the deaths of many scientists who argued that he was wrong and let hundreds of thousands of people die of hunger. So, how did this scientist stay at the top of his profession for so long? (1,190 words)

Shaka Zulu - Great Military Thinker

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This is the story of the great Zulu chief, who led his people to victory at a time when they had given up hope. Shaka Zulu was a clever and original military thinker but he lost the love of his people when his mother died and sadness drove him crazy. (1,050 words)

History of Anatomy

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Starting with Galen treating gladiators in ancient Rome, on to Andreas Vesalius and William Harvey pointing out his mistakes and then to the grave robbers Burke and Hare supplying murder victims for doctors to cut open and study. Explore the story of how knowledge of human anatomy developed (680 words)

Rommel - the General Who Plotted Against Hitler

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Erwin Rommel was a professional soldier. He fought in the First World War and again the Second World War when Adolf Hitler was the leader of Germany. He was the most famous and respected general of his time but he died soon after trying to kill Hitler. Who was this great soldier who fought for his country but tried to kill its leader? (1,055 words)

A Short History of the Machine Gun

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The machine gun was first used in the American Civil War of 1861 to 1865 and its effects were terrible. Sales of the weapon immediately increased, as more countries wanted to buy and develop this deadly new piece of arms technology. It has continued to be developed and used ever since. (870 words)

The Piltdown Man Hoax

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Charles Darwin argued that there was a clear link between monkeys and men but others said that the difference between the two was so great that there must be a missing link. And then, a hundred years ago, some old bones were found that showed a skeleton with some characteristics of a monkey and others of a man. But did this monkey-man ever exist? (440 words)


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Cricket is the most English of games, but it is far more popular in India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh than it is in its home country. The Scots, Irish and Welsh never enjoyed it and foreigners can’t believe that a game can last for days and, in the end, there is sometimes no winner. (950 words)


By Read Listen Learn

A brief history of antibiotics from the days when people ate spiders’ webs for their antibiotic qualities to the discovery of penicillin by Alexander Fleming in the months before the Second World War. Antibiotics have changed medicine and made the world a much safer place but many diseases can now escape the effects of this wonder drug. (425 words).

Dr. Crippen - Wife Murderer?

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Dr. Crippen’s name was well-known in Britain long after he was hanged for murdering his wife. But did he really do it? He behaved like a guilty man. He tried to run away to Canada with his lover and we know his wife was sleeping with other men. But when the body found at his home was examined by a research team, they claimed it was actually a man. (860 words)

Arthur Conan Doyle

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Conan Doyle was an extraordinary man: he looked after his sick wife for many, many years and never touched his lady friend until his wife was dead. He investigated criminal cases, like his detective, Sherlock Holmes, where he thought there was injustice. He was an accomplished sportsman and he believed in fairies and dead spirits. (1580 words).

Ataturk: The Man Who Made Modern Turkey

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Mustafa Kemal Atatürk was one of the greatest soldiers of the First World War, maybe the greatest. He defended his country against Churchill’s armies and won a terrible victory. But he was more than a soldier: he changed the face of modern Turkey. He gave women the vote; he changed the alphabet and Turkish language; and he made Turkey a secular country, not a religious one. This is his story (1,200 words)