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Rock and Roll

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Rock and roll means many different things to people over the world. Although it might be difficult to define exactly what it is, one thing is sure: it changed the face of modern music. But it also changed the world. It was the first time that music was written for young people and tried to express their aims and feelings. Read about the history of rock and roll. (1,360 words)

The History of Polo

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Polo is a game that is thousands of years old. It probably came from Iran. The idea is to hit a ball with a long stick when you are riding a horse. In ancient times, it wasn’t a ball but the head of an enemy you had killed in wartime. The British made the game famous when they discovered it in India and many rich people still play today. But you must be rich because horses are not cheap (720 words).

Ataturk: The Man Who Made Modern Turkey

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Mustafa Kemal Atatürk was one of the greatest soldiers of the First World War, maybe the greatest. He defended his country against Churchill’s armies and won a terrible victory. But he was more than a soldier: he changed the face of modern Turkey. He gave women the vote; he changed the alphabet and Turkish language; and he made Turkey a secular country, not a religious one. This is his story (1,200 words)

Emily Davison Died So Women Could Vote

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One hundred years ago in Britain, women could not choose the government. They could not be politicians. Almost no woman had a job. This is the story of a brave woman who died because she wanted to give women chances in life. Read about Emily Davison (500 words).


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Mohindas Gandhi fought all his life for Indians’ rights. But he was a man that fought with ideas. He never used a gun or a knife and he nearly died many times to stop others killing people. In the end, he got the British out of India and freedom for his country but he did not live to enjoy his country’s new rights. This is his story (1,070 words)

The French Revolution

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The French Revolution of 1789 changed the world. We all know the pictures of the guillotine, the machine that cut people’s heads off, but the Revolution also made Napoleon Bonaparte, the man who started a European war. It changed the way we think too – even today. This is the story of what happened in Paris in 1789 (400 words)

Diamonds Are Forever

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Everybody knows that diamonds are beautiful, romantic and expensive. But where do they come from? What is the biggest diamond in the world? What is the most expensive? And what are they made of? This story will tell you all you want to know (480 words).

Sultan Suleiman

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Suleiman was the greatest Turkish sultan. He made the Turkish empire the largest in the world and all Europe worried that he was going to make Europe a Muslim continent. But Suleiman was also an artist and a man who never killed people just because they were of different religions. He changed Turkey by his laws, his art and the beautiful buildings he made (800 words).

Boudica, the Soldier Queen of the British

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Two thousand years ago, the Romans were living in Britain. Many people fought them but others thought it was safer to make friends. Boudica’s husband, a king, believed it was better to stay friendly. So, when he died, he gave the Romans half his land. But that was not enough for the Romans. They wanted everything. Boudica fought them, burnt London and became a symbol of independence. This is her story (250 words).

Archimedes - The Man Who Ran Naked in the Street

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Archimedes is still one of the most famous and important scientists in the world but he died two thousand years ago. We do not know everything about him and some things we learn at school are certainly not true. Did he really jump out of his bath and run naked in the street because he had a great idea about mathematics. Read this story about him and find out more! (760 words)

Abraham Lincoln

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Every schoolchild in America learns about Abraham Lincoln. He was the President that lived in a small wooden home when he was a young man, but spent his last day in the White House. He ended slavery and stopped the states in the South from leaving the USA. Read more about him in this short story about his life (650 words).